writers conferences

Writers Conferences are a Great Source of Inspiration for Panelists Too!

I attended the Write Angles 25th Writers Conference today. I sat on two exciting panels:

We’re Not in Kansas Anymore: Launching Your Book into Cyberspace

How Bad Do You Want It?: Carving Out the Time and Space to Write.

When I attended Write Angles last year, I was so inspired I ended up joining the planning committee for this year’s conference. It surprised me, however, that even sitting on a panel inspired me to work harder toward continuing my writing career. Talking about writing, making time to write, and how to promote your books online, really got me pumped.

Now that Little Shepherd is out and I am ready to send my second children’s manuscript off to a publisher, I want to write even more and put what I learned from the conference into practice.

Both keynote speakers–Magdalena Gomez and Andre Dubus III–were excellent. Because both my panels were in the morning, I didn’t get a chance to take advantage of sitting in on the other panels; but the agents panel was insightful, giving me a glimpse into what agents are looking for in submissions.

I can’t wait until next year’s Write Angles Conference!