STORYSTORM Winner and Goals Update


Don’t think I ever announced that I completed STORYSTORM in January. By the end of the 31 days, I had 31 ideas to reconsider and figure out which ones I would work on this year. Some of the most promising are juvenile or cozy mysteries, a few new Beatrice and Charlotte adventures, and an Easter story.

Even though it’s early, I’ll use this time to review my writing goals.

GOAL 1: Submit Clever Tom to agents

Deadline on this was February 15, so I didn’t make it. Still a top priority on my list. Might be able to research a couple of agents this month.

GOAL 2: Participate in STORYSTORM

Done and won!!!!

GOAL 3: Blog twice a week on all four blogs

Not doing too badly on this. Until we went on vacation mid-February I was staying on top of this. I’m already set to blog at all four blogs this week.

GOAL 4: Guest blog at least once a quarter

I need to get this in soon. I guest blogged in December 2017, but not so far this year.

GOAL 5: Contribute to Guardian Angel Kids this year

I’m considering a contribution to the August, September, October or December issues.

GOAL 6: Finish Amelia’s Mission and get it ready for submission

I’m into the middle of Chapter 18 now. I’ve been using writing group time to move the story along. In addition, while we were away, I wrote an emotional scene that will change Amelia’s life.

Here’s looking forward to the next quarter of 2018 and what I can accomplish.

New Release!: Amos Faces His Bully

About the Book: 


Author: Cheryl C. Malandrinos

Illustrator: Jack Foster

Publisher: Guardian Angel Publishing

Pages: 20

Genre: Christian children’s picture book



Amos is targeted by the town bully because he is so small. When word reaches Amos of his friend David’s battle with Goliath, he thinks back to what David told him about putting his faith in God’s protection. Perhaps the same God can help Amos face his bully too.


Guardian Angel | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

2018 Writing Goals

Here are my writing goals for this year. Writing them down helps keep me focused on what I want to accomplish.

GOAL 1: Submit Clever Tom to agents

This is my most recent story. It was a Picture Book Idea Month (now STORYSTORM) idea that I was finally able to iron out the details of and write down thanks to my writing group.  Not thrilled with the title (titles have never been my strength) but totally in love with the story. It appears in good shape, so I plan to shop it around and see if I can’t get any bites on it. (Smaller goal is to research at least three children’s agents by February 15, 2018 and see who might be the best fit.)

GOAL 2: Participate in STORYSTORM

Just started today. No more logging ideas on my blog, but I’ll provide a weekly update. I’ve managed this challenge more than once. It has lead to one published book, another due to be released this year, and the story above. I also have several other partially written or waiting to be edited stories in the works thanks to this annual event. Can’t wait to see what this year brings.

GOAL 3: Blog twice a week on all four blogs

In addition to this site, there’s The Book Connection, An Imperfect Christian Mom, and Books Can Be Deadly. This seems manageable and not too overwhelming with my work schedule. I’m doing my best not to make my mommy blog only about books. There is so much more I would like to share there. I blog twice a month at Christian Children’s Authors. (Smaller goal is to set up my calendar a month in advance and log in two days a week for blogging.)

GOAL 4: Guest blog at least once a quarter

I love guest blogging on other people’s sites. I’m going to be reaching out to friends via email and social media to see who will host me. I’m always willing to return the favor. (Smaller goal is to reach out to fellow bloggers within the next two weeks to see about getting on their schedules.)

GOAL 5: Contribute to Guardian Angel Kids this year

I’ve wanted to do this for a while. Guardian Angel Publishing has been so wonderful to me. I must make time to return the favor by supporting their online magazine. This was a goal from last year and I want to make it a reality this year. (Smaller goal is to research all themes by January 31, 2018 and see which issue I would like to contribute toward.)

GOAL 6: Finish Amelia’s Mission and get it ready for submission

I’m seventeen chapters in. This will be my project at all my writing group meetings this year. Amelia is away at school now and has met a good friend. She also has encountered some mean girls who are out to make life miserable. She’s still pondering Aunt Martha’s secret and what she should do about it. (Smaller goal is to attend all monthly meetings.)

Meet Me at the Fair!


I’m joining a group of local authors tomorrow for an Author Fair at the Wilbraham Public Library.

Eight authors will present a little about their works, and participants will have time for a “Meet and Greet” period, visiting the authors’ tables, asking questions, and purchasing signed copies of their books. Featured authors for 2017 include: Cheryl C. Malandrinos, Rosalie Rymarski, Chrysler Szarlan, Garry Brown, Dr. Andrew Lam, Marty Damon, Chris Collins, and Ellie Dias.

Refreshments will be served.

Date / Time:
Saturday Apr 29, 2017

10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Mary Bell 413-596-6141 [email protected]

Brooks Room

Exciting News! Amos Faces His Bully Has an Illustrator!


Thrilled to announce that artists Robert Lee Beers will be illustrating my next book, Amos Faces His Bully, being published by Guardian Angel Publishing. Look for more updates soon!

Faith-filled Journeys for Kids