Talking at the Long Ridge Post A Note Forum This Week!

Many of you know that I graduated from the Long Ridge Writers Group Breaking into Print  program in 2005. One of the nice things they offer is regular support to their students and former students. They have a newsletter and also a forum.

All week long I am their special guest on the Post A Note forum at The Professional Connection Interview. We’ll be talking about self-promotion. This is an important topic for all writers.  If you are a student or former student, you can find the forum at

Books & Such Literary Agency Launches Library Insider

As an author, it’s important for me to reach every potential reader I can. One area I didn’t know how to approach was libraries. I can’t say I’ve always had pleasant experiences when visiting local libraries. Most have been great, but there is that occasional moment when you wonder why some people are working with the public. It’s those times that have made me hesitant to approach libraries about carrying my book.

I subscribe to a great blog, which is run by Books & Such Literary Agency. They launched this exciting new product today that I signed up for. It’s called Library Insider. I’m not going to give you all the details, as I feel their website at will explain it much better and more accurately than I can, but why I decided to subscribe is because I felt my fears of dealing with libraries were leading me to miss out on a great opportunity for Little Shepherd.

As they explained today at their blog, there are two parts to Library Insider:

“1) Library Locator, which enables you to connect with 2,500 acquisitions librarians in public libraries and library systems around the country;

2) Behind the Stacks, which is individual training offered by librarian and library market expert Judy Gann.”

I subscribed to the former. What this did was provide me with a database of contact information for the states I selected. I chose my home state and one other I felt would be a good fit for the book. I’ve already downloaded the information into an Excel spreadsheet, which will allow me to make quick work of mailings.

I’m excited about Library Insider and I wanted to share it with you so that you can decide if you’re interested.  I hope you’ll check out their website and let me know what you think.

The Back Story Radio Show Today!

Just a reminder that I was a guest on The Back Story Radio Show today at 12:30 PM Eastern. You can visit to listen to an archive of the show. We talked about Little Shepherd, the inspiration behind the book, online book promotion, and specifically virtual book tours.

A Christmas Kindness off to the Publisher

My latest manuscript, A Christmas Kindness, is off to the publisher who expressed interest in it when I pitched the idea during the 2010 Muse Online Writers Conference. Now starts the waiting, one of the frustrating sides of publishing.

I would appreciate your prayers on this submission.

New Writer’s Forum- The Professional Writer’s Connection

 Everybody needs a little help now and then, right? I belonged to this great writing forum where I received tons of support. Unfortunately, most of the members became inactive, and despite me trying over and again, there just wasn’t enough activity to keep me motivated. So, I decided to start my own.

It’s in its infancy, and I haven’t worked with this platform before, but I hope you’ll become a member and help me get it started. My good friend, Carol, was kind enough to customize it for me. I am eternally grateful for her efforts. I couldn’t have launched the site today without all her help.

You’ll find The Professional Writer’s Connection at Membership is free and it’s easy to join.

We’ll be adding a goals section soon so that you can share your writing goals and get support from your fellow writers to achieve them.

I’m always open to comments and suggestions.

Hope to see you at The Professional Writer’s Connection!

Faith-filled Journeys for Kids