

Time Management and Organization

Avoiding Burn Out

Bust through Holiday Stress and Keep Writing

Tips to Get Organized and Write More

Procrastination: Kill it Now!

Back to School and Your Writing Schedule

Distractions: Don’t Let Them Steal Your Writing Time

If You Over Commit, You Won’t Submit: Learning to Say “No”

Falling in Love with SMART Goals: A Sure Way to Increase Productivity

Spring into an Organized and Clutter Free Home Office (Part 1)

Spring into an Organized and Clutter Free Home Office (Part 2)

Spring into an Organized and Clutter Free Home Office (Part 3)

Getting it Done: Setting Priorities

Take Back Your Time: Time Saving Tips for Writers

Banish Stress with Three Easy Solutions

Harness the Power of NaNoWriMo: How Timed Writing Sessions Can Make You More Productive

Have Your Cake and Eat It Too: How to Stay Productive during the Holiday Season

Stick to It: Tips to Help You Stick to Your Writing Goals

Multi-tasking – Tips and Tricks to Make it Work!

Are You A Busy Bee? – Turning Busy Time into Productive Time

Summer’s Here, Now What? – How to Work When the Kids Are Home Too

End the Cycle – Stop Self-doubt from Stealing Your Time

Tackling the Big Gorilla – How to Add a Large Project to Your Schedule and Still Be Stress-free around the Holidays

Your Writing Year in Review – Find the Positives

Seasonal Articles: Plan Ahead and Earn Extra Writing Income

Save Time by Using Your Research Wisely

How to Deal with Incomplete Projects

Learning to Expect the Unexpected

Finding Time to Write and Promote

Husband, Writing, and Kids, Oh My!: Balancing Family and Career

Juggling It All

The Juggler–The World’s Next Superhero


Book Reviewing and Marketing

The Elements of a Good Book Review

How to Be A Publicist Bloggers Want to Work With

6 Tips on How To Be a Great Virtual Book Tour Host

Why Virtual Book Tours Work

5 Tips for Coordinating Your Virtual Book Tour

What I Learned about Virtual Book Tours from My Own VBTs

Judging Your Virtual Book Tour’s Success

Promoting Your Seasonal Book Year Round

Promoting Christian Books

The Greatest Benefit of Virtual Book Tours


My Love Affair with Books: My Passion Becomes A Career

A Children’s Book Disguised as A Novel

Don’t Hate Me Because I Didn’t Get Rejected

Those First Drafts

From First Draft to Published

Writing for Children

My Story is Boring. Read About These Other Writers Instead

Publishing Requires Patience

The Two Most Powerful Words

Editing: It Makes All the Difference

Books Can Educate and Entertain

Writing and Motherhood Are Similar? Duh!

Christmas Spirit in Literary Works

Share Your Message, but Don’t Beat Your Readers over the Head with It

The Power of Hidden Messages

The Costly Pen Name

Prayerful Goal Setting

Family, Church Life, and Christian Parenting

Help Your Family Make the Holidays Meaningful

Celebrating Christmas All Year Round

Nurturing Your Child’s Servant’s Heart

Quick and Easy Recipes for Busy Moms

Guiding Your Child’s Book Choices in the Digital Age

Cherish Them While They’re Young

Five Seasonal Picture Books to Read This Year

Parenting Challenges Can Bring Unexpected Blessings

Balancing Volunteer and Family Responsibilities

Be Blessed by Your Strong-willed Child

Transitioning Pre-teens and Teens into Youth Leaders (youth ministry)

Do Not Be Anxious

The Difference of Regular Prayer

Steps When It’s Tough to Forgive

Finding the Right Church for You

Becoming a Young Woman of Quality

Seven Things about Christianity

Repetition and Building Upon Past Teaching Points (youth ministry)

Planning Vacation Bible School

Avoiding the “B” Word

Being Prepared for Christ’s Return (youth ministry resource)

My Body Is A Temple of the Holy Spirit (youth ministry resource)

Christians and Halloween

7 Things to Know about Christianity

Finding Peace in a Busy World

Making Disciples of All Nations: How Busy Families Can Fulfill The Great Commission

Back to School and Back to Your Schedule

Parenting is Similar to Selling Real Estate


How to Fit Volunteering in to Your Busy Schedule

Praying for Children in Every Season

Advocating for Your Child

Running on Empty

Praying for Your Job

Praying When it’s Hard

Praying for Confidence

Having Faith When Life Throws You a Curveball

How Did a Good Christian Parent Like Me End Up with a Wayward Child?

Getting Ready to Go Back to School

Three Day After Christmas Activities

Health and Wellness

Making Time for Health and Fitness

Back to School Bedtime Routines

Baby Steps Will Help You Care for God’s Temple

Caring for God’s Temple: Benefits of Getting Enough Sleep